Hi,<br><br>I'm connecting a Linksys SPA3102 to 3 different PSTN analog lines.<br>With only one of those, CID is shown.<br>Beside that, everything is working OK.<br>Lines have different providers and/or locations.<br>All are located in France and CID Detection Method is ETSI FSK / Bell 202.<br>
<br>If I'm connecting a TDM400-enabled Asterisk system, to one of those 2 non-working lines : it does work.<br>The only non-default meaningful setting for this TDM card is loadzone=fr.<br><br><br><br>Which 3102 setting would you suggest change to get CID working ?<br>
<br>Here and there, I've read that increasing PSTN Answer Delay might help. Setting this to different values (up to 10 secs) didn't change end result.<br>What about increasing "PSTN to SPA Gain" ?<br><br>