Hi,<br><br>I'm having trouble getting feature codes to work in Asterisk Features.conf contians this:<br><br>blindxfer=##<br>atxfer=*2<br>automon=*1<br>disconnect=**<br><br>I'm really most interested in getting disconnect to work so that I hear "Goodbye" when I press ** during a call connected this way in my dial plan:<br>
<br>exten => 1,n,Dial(SIP/14168724765@6135551212-sw1|120|gtT)<br>exten => 1,n,Playback(vm-goodbye)<br><br>The call works fine and the CLI tells me that ** is an active feature:<br><br>Builtin Feature Default Current<br>
--------------- ------- -------<br>Pickup *8 *8<br>Blind Transfer # ##<br>Attended Transfer *2<br>One Touch Monitor *1<br>Disconnect Call * **<br>
Park Call<br><br>When I press ** during a call though, nothing appears in the CLI (verbosity = 4). I do it very quickly so I don't believe timeout is an issue.<br><br>I'd be grateful for any troubleshooting tips.<br>