Hello!<br><br> I need to send a digit to a channel of an established call, from "outside" of Asterisk, I suppose it must be from the AMI. <br><br>I want to send a * for example, but in addition to reproducing
the sound of that digit (I dont care thatl), I need that the digit sent actually performs
an action. <br><br> For example if I have configured that the attended transfer in Asterisk is "#2", I need somehow to be able to
send the "#" and the "2" for the transfer menu begins. <br><br> Any help with this??? <br>I have proved with PlayDTMF, but all it does is play the sound of the digit, but nothing happens... <br><br>Please need help!<br>
Thank you very much.<br><br>Pablo Bernasconi<br><br>