Hello,<br><br>I'm using AEL2 (in Asterisk and I can't find a way to successfully come back into my dialplan.<br><br>I've tried things like this (in features.conf) :<br>toto => #9,peer,Goto,mylocal2,s,1<br>
<br>But typing #9 (from channel SIP/7275, in example bellow) I've got:<br> -- Feature Found: toto exten: toto<br> -- Started music on hold, class 'default', on SIP/7275-08b7fbe0<br> -- Goto (dial-with-user-events,s,64)<br>
-- Stopped music on hold on SIP/7275-08b7fbe0<br><br>In extensions.ael, I've got:<br>macro dial-with-user-events (caller,callee,dst,fwdcount) {<br> ...<br> Dial (...)<br> ...<br> return;<br>
<br>mylocal2:<br> NoOp(Before starting anything);<br> DumpChan();<br> return;<br>};<br><br><br>From my point of view, it seems Asterisk is looking for something in context in which Dial originally occurred, but for an unknown reason, it can't find the appropriate hook to keep on.<br>
<br>Do you have any working sample ?<br>