Hello <br><br>I have few questions :<br>- what's the difference between a subscribe request et a register request ?<br>- in asterisk 1.6 allowguest=yes or no param does it work ? if yes, please someone could explain how doest it work because I think i'm a little bit confuse.<br>
<br>- if I configure a sip terminal in sip.conf like this<br>[john]<br>type=friend<br>username=JOHN<br>secret=mypassword<br>host=dynamic<br>context=default<br><br>these affirmations are right or wrong :<br>a) 'john' and 'mypassword' are variables which are used when I want to "connect" my softphone or phone to Asterisk server (register request) AND when I initiate a call (invite request)?<br>
b) 'dynamic' mean that [john] will be automatically registred to Asterisk server and 'qualify=yes' parameter may not be necessary ?<br>c) in your softphone setting (here i use xlite), parameter 'username' must be the same as parameter 'username' in sip.conf ?<br>
d) in you softphone setting (here i use xlite), parameter 'Authorization username' must be the same as parameter [john] in sip.conf ?<br>e) instead of using 'dynamic' for parameter 'host', if I use @IP or a hostname or FQDN, parameter qualify must set to' yes' or to '2000' in order to Asterisk server can know when [john] is reachable ?<br>