Wow, been a long time since I have been on the list.. A few years to be exact :)<br><br>Glad to be back in the land of Asterisk..<br><br>I have a box running Asterisk 1.4.8 that's been real solid and I have a bunch of custom stuff running on it.<br>
<br>I am trying to move this to a new piece of hardware and everything is going well but I am having MOH issues.<br><br>Basically, I use raw sound files for my music on hold on the old machine and I want to do the same on the new machine.<br>
<br>I installed the same version of asterisk on the new box, then moved all my config files and sound files over.<br><br>For some odd reason, the music on hold that Asterisk is playing is the default stuff in the default moh directory even though I have the class below defined in musiconhold.conf.<br>
<br>The directory and sound files do exist and all this works fine on the old box, same config files, same sound files, same path, same Asterisk version. Any ideas?<br><br>Thanks!<br><br>#####musiconhold.conf######<br>[default]<br>