Hello,<br><br>When I attempt to make a call using AMI interface with originate action I successfully specify all of the needed parameters but when I try to control the flow of the call I am unable to identify each call because asterisk uses some kind of unique identification appended to the channel string. E.g.<br>
<br>channel: SIP/1000 results in SIP/1000-<b>0845ea38</b>.<br><br>I also found an auto-generated unique ID but I don't know how to retrieve it immediately after the originate action to be able to use it to identify the calls that I made.<br>
<br>How can I get the actual channel string after calling Originate? or how can I get the unique ID of a call about to start (or already started) using the same action (Originate).<br><br>Regards.<br><br>Carlos.<br>