<span class="postbody">Hi All,
I am trying to implement ACD using Asterisk 1.2.18 and I've chosen
AgentCallbackLogin for login purpose. One AGI is written which will
actually get executed when agent dials '1001' (say) from his SIP phone
and enters into the queue. Second AGI gets executed when the Dial
operation is performed. I see the agi_uniqueid obtained from both AGI
instances are different and I can't really find a way to relate the
pair. I need to perform some DB operations for agentlogin instance and
dial instance. Is there a variable that is common for both instance or
is there a way that I can pass variables across. My context and AGI's
are given below.
exten => _10XX,1,AGI(agi_agentlogin.sh|${EXTEN})
exten => _10XX,2,AgentCallbackLogin(${agentno}||${sip_id}@specqueuestat)
exten => _8XXX,1,AGI(agi_qdial.sh|${EXTEN}|${CALLERIDNUM})<br><br>--agi_agentlogin.sh<br><i>declare -a array
while read -e ARG && [ "$ARG" ] ; do
array=(` echo $ARG | sed -e 's/://'`)
echo ${array[0]} = ${array[1]} >>$LOG_FILE
export ${array[0]}=${array[1]}
echo "SET VARIABLE agentno $agentid"
echo "SET VARIABLE sip_id $sipid"<br><br></i><span class="postbody">
Here $sipid and $agentid is obtained from the DB and that segment is not shown above.
<br><br>agi_qdial.sh<br></span><i>declare -a array
while read -e ARG && [ "$ARG" ] ; do
array=(` echo $ARG | sed -e 's/://'`)
echo ${array[0]} = ${array[1]} >>$LOG_FILE
export ${array[0]}=${array[1]}
echo "EXEC Dial SIP/$agi_extension 20 tTo"        <span class="postbody">
<br><br></span></i><span class="postbody">Any hint on this??
Kurian Thayil.</span><br>