Hi,<br><br>My extensions.ael file includes :<br><br>context mylocal {<br> 7530 => {<br> Dial(SIP/7530,,${OPTION});<br> NoOp(Here1);<br> };<br> 7531 => {<br> Dial(SIP/7531);<br>
NoOp(Here2);<br> };<br>};<br><br>If extension 7530 receives a call and transfer it while ringing to extension 7531 (a 302 Moved temporarily message is sent by callee),<br>then which value shall I put in OPTION to have NoOp(Here1) executed ?<br>
<br>In various tries, I could see NoOp(Here1) execution postponed right after NoOp(Here2) or not happening at all.<br><br><br>Regards