Hi,<br><br>I'm using a SIP phone (Thomson ST2030) which is able to display text received though Asterisk's SendText() application.<br><br>I'm using this to display from Asterisk "Forwarded to 0123456789" whenever a user forwards his calls to another number or extension.<br>
Test is displayed with white letters on black background.<br><br>What I can't do at the moment is erasing this "Forwarded to 0123456789" text when user cancels previous forwarding.<br>If I'm sending a string full of space chars, I've got an ugly string of black rectangles on LCD screen.<br>
<br>Phone vendor says it can be done sending a "single carriage return" string to the phone (using usual SendText, I suppose) but either :<br>A- I can't build correctly such "single carriage return" string,<br>
B- I can't send it (I shouldn't use SendText()),<br>C- or I misunderstood vendor's advice.<br><br>When setting an AEL2 variable with "Hello\rWorld"-like string value, I can see this string passed in SIP MESSAGE like this :<br>
<br>Content-Type: text/plain<br>Content-Length: 12<br><br>Hello\rWorld<br><br><br>Unfortunately, this string (and other variations) are literally displayed (I hoped to use \r to erase Hello word and see only the remaning World on my phone screen).<br>
<br>Is there a way to format text embedded in SIP MESSAGES or work around this ?<br>Any hint or advice ?<br><br>Regards<br><br><br><br><br><br>