I'm trying to figure out how to listen in to a channel that I specify. I have the impression I've seen this done via Flash web controls, but I'm trying to write something myself and I can't figure out what command would be used. ChanSpy looks great, but I don't see how to specify the channel.<br>
<br>I have a channel identifier like "SIP/provider-08748db0" which is what I would send to applications like Hangup(<chan>) or Redirect(<chan>) but it doesn't look like ChanSpy was written to accept that format. I haven't tried passing "SIP/provider-08748db0" to ChanSpy, but from the documentation it seems that it shouldn't work.<br>
<br>So the question is, how can I listen into a channel if I know either the channel or the unqiue id? And in the meantime I will play around with ChanSpy more.<br clear="all"><br>Nicholas Blasgen<br>Partner / Network Operations<br>
Refractive Dialer LLC<br>408.395.2110 (w)<br>408.497.9796 (c)<br>