Good morning, <br><br>I've been having some problems getting the SPA-3102 working properly in India. Specific problem is that calls from the Asterisk server out the FXS port is failing. When trying to make calls, I'm getting this message: <br>
[Jan 26 23:00:31] NOTICE[2136]: chan_sip.c:13774 handle_request_invite:
Call from '' to extension '66200' rejected because extension not found.<br>I believe everythign is set up correctly because when I was doing tests here in the US everything worked perfectly before sending the unit to India. Now that its there, I'm having some troubles. If there's more information that's required I'd be more than happy to provide. Thank you! <br>
<br><br>Extensions.conf<br>----------------------<br>ignorepat => 66<br>exten => _66XX.,1,Dial(${PHONE7}/${EXTEN:2},30,r)<br>exten => _66XX.,2,Congestion<br><br>sip.conf<br>----------<br>[215] ; Linksys India Internal<br>
type=peer<br>username=215<br>secret= [SOMETHING]<br>host=dynamic<br>context=superuser<br>port=5060<br>dtmfmode=rfc2833<br>callerid="India Internal" <215><br>disallow=all<br>allow=ulaw<br>canreinvite=no<br>
qualify=yes<br>nat=yes<br><br>[220] ; Linksys India PSTN Line<br>type=peer<br>username=220<br>secret=[SOMETHING]<br>host=dynamic<br>context=superuser<br>port=5060<br>dtmfmode=rfc2833<br>disallow=all<br>allow=ulaw<br>canreinvite=no<br>
qualify=yes<br>nat=yes<br><br>Logs<br>-------<br>[Jan 26 23:00:05] NOTICE[2136]: chan_sip.c:13774 handle_request_invite: Call from '' to extension '668002525' rejected because extension not found.<br>[Jan 26 23:00:31] NOTICE[2136]: chan_sip.c:13774 handle_request_invite: Call from '' to extension '66200' rejected because extension not found.<br>
localhost*CLI> <br><br>