<html><head><style type='text/css'>p { margin: 0; }</style></head><body><div style='font-family: Arial; font-size: 10pt; color: #000000'>Dear All,<br><br>Thank you for taking the time to read this post - I am *confused!* as to why my asterisk setup does not work as it should. I have an ISDN 30 connection for telephony, a Sangoma card, and asterisk installed.<br><br>Incoming calls, and outgoing calls work 100%. Making an international call, results in silence, or the error message all circuits are busy<br><br>Numbers being passed to the trunk for the call<br><ul><li>National is 020xxxxxxxx will result in 20xxxxxxxx being sent and dialled, which works</li><li>Mobile is 07xxxxxxxxx will result in 7xxxxxxxxx being sent and dialled, which works</li><li>International 00x[any number of digits] will result in 00x[any number of digits] which does not work</li></ul><br>I do not see why this does not work. I do know that for every call, the flag sent is national - how can I make sure the correct flag is sent for the call? By flag, I mean the TON, (type of number)<br><br>Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.<br><br>Thank you<br>Mr Gabriel<br></div></body></html>