<div dir="ltr">Hello,<br><br>From <a href="http://www.voip-info.org/wiki/view/Asterisk+func+sippeer">http://www.voip-info.org/wiki/view/Asterisk+func+sippeer</a> I understood I could use SIPPEER and curcalls parameter to get the number of ongoing calls passed of received by a given peer.<br>
<br>Strangely, in my system, returned value remains equal to 0, even when the targeted peer is oncall with another one.<br><br>exten => _753X,n,Set(foo=${SIPPEER(${EXTEN}:curcalls)})<br>exten => _753X,n,Set(foo2=${SIPPEER(${EXTEN}:limit)})<br>
exten => _753X,n,NoOp(${foo} ${foo2})<br><br>Replies are 0 and 5.<br><br>Am I missing something ?<br><br>Cheers<br><br></div>