<div dir="ltr"><div class="gmail_quote"><div dir="ltr"><div><div class="Wj3C7c">Hi,<br><div class="gmail_quote"><div dir="ltr"><br>I have a client that wants the following scenario using asterisk. I have done a similar and smaller scenario with Cisco Call Manager, but being an asterisk beginner, I don't think I can do it. So I needed some basic hints about each part of the project. Maybe a line or a word saves me a lot of time :)<br>
I also wanted to know if anyone can do the whole thing as a project.<br><br>I have a <b>Caller Side </b>and a <b>Called Side</b>. I need two asterisk boxes set up like this:<br><br>1- <b>Caller Side</b> sends a call to <b>Box 1</b><br>
2- <b>Box 1</b> puts the call on hold<br>3- <b>Box 1</b> sends a <u>call request </u>to <b>Box 2</b><br>4- <b>Box 2</b> makes the requested call to <b>Called Side</b><br>5- <b>Box 2</b> calls <b>Box 1<br></b>6<b>- Box 2</b> connects the two calls: <u>to </u><b><u>Called Side</u> </b>and <u>to <b>Box 1</b></u> and can either leave the call or stay in line<br>
7- <b>Box 1</b> unholds the call from <b>Caller Side</b> and connects the two calls: <u>from <b>Box 1</b></u> and <u>from <b>Caller Side</b></u> while <b>Box 2</b> stays in line<br><br>Note: in step 3, there is a call request via email or sending a file or whatever, there is no actual call or call setup message.<br>
<br>The main purpose:<br>1- Call is actually from <b>Caller Side</b> to <b>Called Side</b> but <b>Box 1 </b>sees the call in opposite way.<br>2- <b>Box 1</b> would not know of the <b>Caller Side</b>, it only sees the <b>Box 2</b> as the receiver of the call.<br>
<br>I know you cannot describe the whole scenario in an email, what I need is a line or some words for each step :) Or if anyone can do the whole scenario, please send me an email for further discussions.<br><br>Regards,<br>