<html><head><style type="text/css"><!-- DIV {margin:0px;} --></style></head><body><div style="font-family:Courier New,courier,monaco,monospace,sans-serif;font-size:10pt"><div>So, I'm trying to get the Asterisk vxml (from i6net) working.<br>Having no luck with it.<br><br>My dial plan has:<br><br>exten => _X.,1,Answer()<br>exten => _X.,n,Wait(1)<br>exten => _X.,n,Vxml(file:///tmp/menu.vxml)<br><br>The /tmp/menu.vxml file has:<br><br><?xml version="1.0"?><br> <vxml version="1.0"><br> <form><br> <block><audio src="tt-monkeys.gsm"/></block><br> <block>Hello world!</block><br> </form><br></vxml><br><br>The tmp directory also has the tt-monkeys.gsm file:<br><br>[root@pabx002 tmp]# ls -l tt-monkeys.gsm<br>-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 26697 Jul 3 20:57 tt-monkeys.gsm<br><br>The openvxi daemon is running:<br><br>root@pabx002 tmp]# ps -ef | grep
openvxi<br>root 2076 1 0 18:33 ? 00:00:00 /bin/sh /usr/sbin/safe_openvxi<br>root 2114 2076 0 18:33 ? 00:00:00 openvxi -channels 100 -config /etc/openvxi/client.cfg<br>root 2606 2409 0 21:00 pts/2 00:00:00 grep openvxi<br>[root@pabx002 tmp]# <br><br>The /etc/asterisk/vxml.conf file contains:<br><br>; VoiceXML Configuration<br>;<br>[general]<br>wav_codec=gsm<br>videosilence=<br>audiosilence=<br><br>[license]<br>max=1<br>video=no<br>key=<br><br>And, finally here's my console output:<br><br> -- Executing Vxml("SIP/xxx.201.84.142-b7600c30", "file:///tmp/menu.vxml") in new stack<br>VoiceBrowser interface file:///tmp/menu.vxml<br> Initialiting<br> == VXML_URL=(null)<br> ==
VXML_ID=(null)<br> == VXML_PARAM=(null)<br> == url=file:///tmp/menu.vxml<br> == session=1<br> == id=0<br> == param=0<br> == Opening (url=file:///tmp/menu.vxml, id=(null), param=(null))<br> == (dnid=1yyy3160157)<br> == (name=1xxx8635808)<br> == (num=1xxx8635808)<br> == remote=1xxx8635808<br> == local=1yyy3160157<br> -- > open|session=1|module=2|url=file:///tmp/menu.vxml|remote=1xxx8635808|local=1yyy3160157<br> -- < open|session=1|result=ok<br> Waiting<br> -- < close|session=1<br> Exiting<br> == VXML_RESULT=<br><br><br>I hear NOTHING. Asterisk drops though to the next command in the dial plan. Shouldn't I hear the tt-monkeys.gsm sound file being played? I tried to keep this as simple as I could. I thought it was interesting too that when I tried this with a web server instead of a local file, if the URL was
wrong, the VXML() app still said it connected and got the data ok.<br><br><br><br><br></div></div><br>