Hi all,<br><br>I am using Digium PCI board to receive PSTN call through regular phone line. It is no problem for me to receive calls, but I am not able to obtain the Caller ID if the calls are from the phone line. <br><br>
<br>exten => s,1,Answer()<br>exten => s, n, Verbose(1|incoming number is ${CHANNEL} calling to ${EXTEN} routing to ${phonenum} )<br>exten => s,n, Verbose(1|callid is ${CALLID(num)})<br>exten => s,n,Verbose(1|callpres is ${CALLINGPRES})<br>
exten => s,n,Dial(SIP/${phonenum}@voipuser,60)<br><br><br><br> -- Executing [s@incoming:3] Verbose("Zap/1-1", "1|incoming number is Zap/1-1 calling to s routing to ") in new stack<br> -- Executing [s@incoming:4] Verbose("Zap/1-1", "1| callidall is ") in new stack<br>
callidall is<br> -- Executing [s@incoming:5] Verbose("Zap/1-1", "1|callid is ") in new stack<br> callid is<br> -- Executing [s@incoming:6] Verbose("Zap/1-1", "1|callpres is 0") in new stack<br>
<br>How come I am not able to get the call from ID and call to ID? Is this something with my setup? <br><br>Thanks,<br>Mark<br>