Dear all<br><br> I am going to setup Asterisk Call center solution and i have setup my queue and agent i have 2 SNOM ip phone but when i call to queue my agent phone is rining without musicnhold or when both phone is busy then i call to queue its directy hangup without musicnhole means my call not goes in to queue what is the problem <br><br>my queue.conf<br><br>[root@pbx asterisk]# cat /etc/asterisk/queues.conf | grep -v ';'<br>[general]<br>persistentmembers = yes<br>autofill = yes<br>monitor-type = MixMonitor<br><br><br><br>[9999]<br>leavewhenempty = strict<br>musiclass = default<br>context=from-avaya<br>strategy = rrmemory<br>timeout = 20<br>retry = 1<br>wrapuptime=0<br>announce-frequency = 0<br>announce-holdtime = no<br>persistentmembers = yes<br>maxlen = 0<br>member => Agent/1001<br>member => Agent/1002<br><br>----------------------------------------------<br><br>my
agent.conf<br><br>[general]<br>persistentagents=yes<br><br><br>[agents]<br>ackcall=no<br>musiconhold => default<br>agent => 1001,1234,satish<br>agent => 1002,1234,aman<br><br>----------------------------------------------------<br>my dialplan ( extention.conf)<br><br><br>exten => 9999,1,Answer<br>exten => 9999,2,SetMusicOnHold(default)<br>exten => 9999,3,Background(welcome)<br>exten => 9999,4,Queue(9999)<br><br><BR><BR>----PGP Signature--<br><br>Satish Patel<br>mobile:- +91-9818875535<br><br><p> 
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