Hey there. I've been working on a project to integrate Asterisk with Exchange Unified Messaging via sipX using large parts borrowed from:<br><br><a href="http://blog.lithiumblue.com/2007/04/accessing-exchange-2007-unified_29.html">http://blog.lithiumblue.com/2007/04/accessing-exchange-2007-unified_29.html</a><br>
<br>... and everything works surprisingly well. The one problem I have is MWI, or a lack thereof. Exchange 2007 doesn't support MWI of any kind (!), so I've been looking into using a product from Geomant to fill that gap. They have a package called MWI2007 that handles MWI for Exchange 2007.<br>
<br>The Geomant guys were good enough to supply me with a demo copy and I've got it running. So far, so good. The one thing I can't seem to figure out is how to make Asterisk accept external MWI notifications for the phones registered to it. At first I thought it was the sipX server not routing the MWI back to Asterisk, but a packet dump confirmed that the MWI packets are reaching Asterisk.<br>
<br>I've been looking through <a href="http://voip-info.org">voip-info.org</a> and a few other sites, but I can't seem to find any information on how to allow Asterisk to accept external MWI SIP notifications.<br>
<br>Could someone point me in the right direction on how to tell Asterisk to accept MWI notifications from an external source for phones it currently has registered?<br><br>Thanks in advance!<br>