Hello,<br><br> I want that, when call is answered , callee and calling would hear different prompts and after promts the calls would be bridged. I've tried this situation:<br>exten => s,1,Set(LIMIT_CONNECT_FILE=hello-world)<br>
exten => s,2,Dial(SIP/trunk-out/37052390920|60|rL(10000000000000)A(conf-enteringno))<br><br>But these prompts play not in the same time: just after conf-enteringno prompt asterisk plays hello world promt.<br>-- <SIP/trunk-out-08155880> Playing 'conf-enteringno' (language 'en')<br>
-- <SIP/sip3.call.lt-08151550> Playing 'hello-world' (language 'en')<br><br>So my question is , how to do this in the same time. Maybe somebody is using Dial G(context^exten^pri) for this purpose?<br>