Thanks for the explanation and your cues.<br><br>I've been able to activate this feature by recompiling again asterisk-addon source code (version 1.4.2). <br><br>If a runtime option is already undergoing in trunk, that's good news but for now I prefer to stick to version
1.4.2. I'm trying to working with rpm packages only and for now I will try to present to the rpm packager admin from ATrpms to include this compile option in the rpm build.<br><br>I'm trying to keep things in the asterisk framework uniformized as much as I can. My attention is mainly in "another" asterisk front-end I'm developing, and running in bleeding edge stuff is not my intention.
<br><br>Just for curiosity in trunk, you setup de uniqueid option in cdr_mysql.conf right? Humm... Why I'm hearing "look de source Luke"?<br><br>Thanks again<br>Luis Palma<br><br><br><br>