Hello,<br><br>How would you implement free sitting ?<br><br>The idea is to offer teachers the ability to share the same desk and hardphone : for instance, Mr Foo is teaching mechanics on mondays while Mr Bar is teaching english on wednesdays.
<br>Each has his own extension but use the same hardphone.<br><br>1. Does a program check a calendar or database somewhere to allocate a phone to a user (as teachers schedules are known in advance) ?<br>2. Every morning, users have to login (logoff is automatic during nighttime) ?
<br>3. Users have to login/logoff themselves using a dedicated IVR ?<br>4. Users have to login/logoff themselves using a dedicated program on their PC ?<br><br>Do you offer basic services (emergency and internals calls) between logins ?
<br>Do you use any phone specific menu ?<br><br>Regards<br>