Has anyone observed a problem where using Local channels with AddQueueMember results in missing TRANSFER events?<br><br>Right now I'm using straight SIP channels when I call AddQueueMember(). I'm contemplating moving to Local channels because the non-state-based wrapuptime blows when you have a channel in multiple queues (they can hang up and get a call immediately so long as it's from a different queue). My grand plan is to use the 'h' extension in the context where app_queue calls my agents to invoke PauseQueueMember instead.
<br><br>The problem is with the /n suffix to the channel name. With it, I lose TRANSFER events. Without it, the 'h' extension gets invoked as soon as the call is bridged to the agent.<br><br>My agent context looks like this:
<br><br>[agents]<br>exten => 491,1,Dial(SIP/491,20)<br>exten => h,1,PauseQueueMember(|${CUT(CHANNEL,,1)})<br><br>When I do something along the lines of:<br><br>AddQueueMember(queuename,Local/XXXX@agents)<br><br>Then as soon as the call is bridged, my 'h' extension gets run:
<br><br> -- Executing [491@agents:1] Dial("Local/491@agents-c002,2", "SIP/491") in new stack<br> -- Called 491<br> -- SIP/491-00aa22d0 is ringing<br> -- Local/491@agents-c002,1 is ringing<br>
-- SIP/491-00aa22d0 answered Local/491@agents-c002,2<br> -- Local/491@agents-c002,1 answered SIP/427-9d849a90<br> == Spawn extension (agents, 491, 1) exited non-zero on 'Local/491@agents-c002,2'<br> -- Executing [
h@agents:1] PauseQueueMember("Local/491@agents-c002,2", "|Local/491@agents") in new stack<br> -- Stopped music on hold on SIP/427-9d849a90<br><br>Once the call is bridged, I transfer to 7777 from the agent softphone. This is what queue log looks like for this type of call:
|TRANSFER|7777|from-somecontext|6|65<br><br>If I use /n when adding the channel to the queue:<br><br>AddQueueMember(queuename,Local/XXXX@agents/n)<br><br>Then my 'h' extension is not executed until the bridged call is actually over. I do the same transfer, but it doesn't show up in the queue log - the call appears to have been terminated by the caller.
/n|COMPLETECALLER|5|11|1<br><br>Any ideas? I need the Pause-on-agent-hangup behaviour (or something like it, short of adding proper wrapup state to app_queue), but I can't lose visibility of my transfers (especially not after I just introduced the sales people to them after never having visibility of this stat on a Nortel BCM)
<br><br>Much appreciated.<br><br>-- <br>j.<br>