Hello everybody.<br><br>I am trying to configure an Asterisk on Debian with the Billion ISDN card. I am using mISDN.<br><br>But when I call on the CLI apears this:<br><br> -- Executing Dial("SIP/101-081805b8", "mISDN/1/943833473|45|tTwW") in new stack
<br> -- Called 1/943833473<br>P[ 1] empty_chan_in_stack: cannot empty channel 255<br>P[ 1] --> we have already send Release_complete<br> == Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:0/0/1)<br> -- Executing Hangup("SIP/101-081805b8", "") in new stack
<br> == Spawn extension (SOME, 943833473, 102) exited non-zero on 'SIP/101-081805b8'<br><br>I dont't know what happen. Some can help me???<br><br>Thanks to everybody.<br><br>How can I saw the status of the ISDN???