hello, <b>James FitzGibbon:<br>thank you for your help. i am very new to arm-linux and embedded linux. i think what you said is right. i am not very sure the steps i taken are correct. i post it here and please give me some help. it might be help other arm-linux users too. i installed all necessary libraries in my linux. if i just install asterisk under my linux. there is no problem. but when i cross-compile it, it has errors. i follow this url:http://wiki.neurostechnology.com/index.php/Asterisk, which tell me how to install asterisk in arm-linux. the steps are:<br></b><br><div>1. Download the asterisk source 1.4. </div><div>2. To the source directory </div> <pre>./configure --build=i686-linux --host=arm-linux --without-pwlib --without-curl --prefix=/opt/OSD/neuros-bsp/toolchain/arm-linux<br></pre>3. <pre># Look for the line in the Makefile,<br>ifeq ($(ASTDATADIR),)<br> ASTDATADIR:=$(ASTVARLIBDIR)<br>endif<br></pre> <div>Add the below lines, after the above lines(in
Makefile), </div> <pre>ASTETCDIR=./kasterisk/etc<br>ASTLIBDIR=./kasterisk/lib<br>ASTVARLIBDIR=./kasterisk/var<br>ASTSPOOLDIR=./kasterisk/spool<br>ASTLOGDIR=./kasterisk/log<br>ASTHEADERDIR=./kasterisk/include<br>ASTBINDIR=./kasterisk/bin<br>ASTSBINDIR=./kasterisk/sbin<br>ASTVARRUNDIR=./kasterisk/var/run<br>ASTMANDIR=./kasterisk/man<br>ASTDATADIR:=$(ASTVARLIBDIR)<br></pre> <div><br> 4. Edit the makeopts file, (For somereason STRIP is not set by the configure, </div> <pre> change the line of strip as follows,<br> STRIP=arm-linux-strip<br>5. make menuselect </pre><div>6. Select 'Module Embedding' </div> [*] 1. apps [*] 2. cdr [*] 3. channels [*] 4. codecs [*] 5. formats [*] 6. funcs
[*] 7. pbx [*] 8. res Select the applications using space bar. <div>7. In the mainmenu, select Compiler Flags, </div> [*]13. STATIC_BUILD Since we are going to do a static build. <div>8. </div> make <div>9. </div> Now go the Makefile of each subdirectories compiled, Prepend the following line with ., $(DESTDIR)$(MODULES_DIR) need to get as .$(DESTDIR)$(MODULES_DIR) <br><div>10: make install <br>i think asterisk should link with arm-linux-kernel, but it does not. <br>please give me hints for that problem. <br></div><div>thanks!</div><div>zhu <br></div><p> 
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