Hi all,<br>There is a problem with my dialplan. here is the dialplan:<br><br>exten=> 123,1,Dial(SIP/U1,,Ttg)<br>exten=> 123,2,Hangup<br><br>exten=> h,1,AGI(onhangup.pl)<br><br>The problem is whenever U1 is called or calls someone, if U1 hangsup the call then the h extension is NOT executed. but if the other person hangsup the call, then the h extension is executed (assuming that the other person is calling from out of our asterisk system). I understand if U1 hangsup then there is no channel to execute h extension, but is it possible to execute the h exten even then.
<br><br>i want the h extension to excute everytime. how can i do this. i have used the g flag in dial which tell asterisk to execute remaining extensions even after hangup but its not doing in the above described case.<br clear="all">
<br>-- <br>Rizwan Hisham<br>Software Engineer<br>AXVOICE Inc.