Hi,<br><br>In my case I used them both. It depends on the features I am going to activate. There are some departments that use only a standard PABX-like, use 8 Ports FXO Gateway, 48 Ports FXS Gateway and all they need is to be able to call and be called. I used Trixbox for this application. I have some departments that use ISDN Trunks that uses E1 Gateway, Predictive/Pre-emptive dialing I use only plain Asterisk.<br><br>In short, I decided on what to use base on what will be my applications. If my application needs some modification/patches to be done during the installation of Asterisk or Zaptel, I use plain Asterisk. But if, its straight-forward PABX application with IVRS, call distribution, voicemail, conferencing, call queue, fax to email and voicemail to email, I use Trixbox and I assure you it's easy to set-up (it's really freePBX in 1 to 2 hrs.)<br><br><p> 
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