Hello all,<br><br>Recently I just instaled asterisk-1.2.14, zaptel-1.2.12, libpri-1.2.4 and Freepbx v.2.2.0.<br>My zapata.conf look like this, (Pasted bellow)<br>The problem is that the asterisk never send the callerID to the phones. I just take a look to the cdr database an there is no callerid too.
<br>I do not know why the calledID is not receibed. All this FXO ports are conected to a mobile lines and if I make a call directly using one of this line, the callerID is sending correctly. With the same zapata config file and the Freepbx
2.1.3, the callerId was sending correctly.<br><br>Any clue will be welcome<br><br>Thanks in advance.<br><br>VoipCrazy<br><br>-- zapata.conf--<br>[channels]<br>language=en<br>context=from-zaptel<br>rxwink=300 ; Atlas seems to use long (250ms) winks
<br>useincomingcalleridonzaptransfer=yes<br>channel => 1-2<br><br><br>