I have this simple context<br><br>I am register to an external provider and when I am not home I would like to transfer the phone outside<br>The problem that the call goes in loop<br><br>I cannot understand why. <br><br>Can you figure out my error?
<br><br>Thank you<br><br><br>sip.conf<br>register => user:pass@provider/400<br><br>[inside]<br>exten => _4X.,1,dial(SIP/ext_400_124/5551234444,5,tT)<br>exten => _4X.,2,hangup<br><br> -- Executing Dial("SIP/5551237777-081b8eb0", "SIP/ext_400_124/5551234444|5|tT") in new stack
<br> -- Called ext_400_124/5551234444<br> -- SIP/ext_400_124-081bf848 is ringing<br> -- Nobody picked up in 5000 ms<br> -- Executing Hangup("SIP/5551237777-081b8eb0", "") in new stack<br> == Spawn extension (inside, 50000123, 2) exited non-zero on 'SIP/5551237777-081b8eb0'
<br> -- Executing Dial("SIP/5551237777-081c79a8", "SIP/ext_400_124/5551234444|5|tT") in new stack<br> -- Called ext_400_124/5551234444<br> -- SIP/ext_400_124-081ccee8 is ringing<br> == Spawn extension (inside, 50000123, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/5551237777-081c79a8'