I am doing some testing with 1.4 and the imap storage and a exchange 2003 server. I have not had any positive results so far using the notes on the wiki or the docs in the release. My current settings are<br><br>imapserver=<server>
<br>imapport=143<br>imapfolder=Voicemail<br>;imapflags=novalidate-cert<br>expungeonhangup=no<br><br>[default]<br>1114 =>1114,Bruce Reeves,<a href="mailto:breeves@titanspecialties.com">breeves@titanspecialties.com</a>,,attach=yes|imapuser=breeves|imappasswd=<secret>
<br><br>I have also tried specifying a global account with<br clear="all">authuser=pbx<br>
authpassword=<secret><br><br>In either case I get a <br><br>[Jan 25 13:37:43] ERROR[3564]: app_voicemail.c:8417 mm_log: IMAP Error: Login aborted<br>[Jan 25 13:37:43] ERROR[3564]: app_voicemail.c:4647 init_mailstream: Can't connect to imap server {<server>:143/imap/user=breeves}INBOX
<br>[Jan 25 13:37:43] ERROR[3564]: app_voicemail.c:2529 inboxcount: IMAP mailstream is NULL<br><br>Can someone with this working or who sees the problem point me in the right direction to get this working.<br><br>-- <br>Bruce
<br>Nortex Networks