<pre><tt><tt>Hi,<br><br>Recommending to go Digium because of an OpenBSD issue with the <br>Sangoma A104D is quite funny to say the least since neither <br>is the TE407P supported in BSD by Digium. So the recommendation is<br>useless to the person who originally requested for a comparison<br>between the two products.<br><br>If someone wanted to send back the A104D, he could have taken<br>advantage of Sangoma's 30 day money back guarantee as I know<br>they have one.<br><br>Anyway, I'm not recommending any of the two but if somebody <br>will, try doing it by being more objective.<br><br><br>Message: 8<br>Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2007 18:15:20 -0700<br>From: "Christopher Snell" <chris.snell@gmail.com><br>Subject: Re: [asterisk-users] Digium TE407P vs. Sangoma A104d<br>To: "Asterisk Users Mailing List - Non-Commercial Discussion"<br> <asterisk-users@lists.digium.com><br>Message-ID:<br> <4052b0840701101715p73c7f21g4956c12dfb4b21a8@mail.gmail.com><br>Content-Type:
text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed<br><br>Sorry for the old thread revival...I bought three Sangoma A104 cards<br>to use as T1 (not PRI) data cards in an OpenBSD router. I was<br>disappointed to find out that trunking is not supported with this<br>configuration. I contacted Sangoma and was told that they would look<br>into it but I haven't heard back from them since. Sangoma has chapped<br>my ass a bit because of this. I'm sitting on $4500 of useless<br>hardware. Anybody want to by some A104s? ;)<br><br>My advice: go with Digium.<br><br>Chris</tt></tt></pre><p> 
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