hi,<br><br>I am using asterisk 1.2.10.<br>I am trying to send sip links in asterisk voicemail, so that users can easily reply to emails.<br>This does not seem to be straightforward.<br>First, there seems to be no variable that prints out the domain name of the sip call, since I am including every variable mentioned on
<a href="http://www.voip-info.org/wiki-Asterisk+config+voicemail.conf">http://www.voip-info.org/wiki-Asterisk+config+voicemail.conf</a><br>Second, if i include in the emailbody variable sip:${VM_CIDNUM}@mydomain (on the wrong assumption that the phone call was from a telephone number), gmail responds by assuming it is a mailto link, and outlook treats it as plain text. Having examined the emails being sent in mutt, it appears that the message has no mime type (neither text nor text/html). Unsurprisingly, then, enclosing it in an href,
i.e. <a href=<a href="mailto:sip:my@address.com">sip:my@address.com</a>>click here<a/> is of no help.<br><br>Is there a workaround for this?<br><br>Perhaps it is being addressed in a later version of asterisk? I have seen no mention of it in the release notes for
1.4.<br><br>Thanks<br>Mark Price<br>