I think the biggest issue with with telemarketers. I get blatently illegal calls all the time, besides the fact that I am on the do not call lists. Today I got a call from some group trying to sell me a Razr phone for $50, automated computer, no option to remove yourself and the callerid appears valid but when you call it you discover its not a valid number. Since I get this particular call every few weeks I've tried to talk to them, but even pretending to be interested in their scam they won't say anything more than "its a t-mobile phone" and sure as hell won't give me an address or valid telephone number.
<br><br><br><div><span class="gmail_quote">On 10/27/06, <b class="gmail_sendername">Tomislav ParÄina</b> <<a href="mailto:tparcina@lama.hr">tparcina@lama.hr</a>> wrote:</span><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;">
In article <<a href="mailto:45419048.5000902@themarvins.org">45419048.5000902@themarvins.org</a>>, <a href="mailto:jm-asterisk@themarvins.org">jm-asterisk@themarvins.org</a> says...<br>> For my home Asterisk setup I have a single PSTN line, and then I use a
<br>> variety of different voip providers. I use two different providers for<br>> my DID's (one toll free, and one normal). I use yet a different provider<br>> for terminating outgoing calls.<br>><br>> So, when making an outgoing call via voip, what number should I use to
<br>> identify myself? I currently use the number of my PSTN line, since that<br>> is our "public" inbound number.<br><br>Hi John!<br><br>I have same situation, and I certainly agree about everything you said.
<br><br><br>--<br>Tomislav ParÄina<br>Lama Computers Split<br>Stinice 12, 21000 Split<br>Tel.: +385(21)270248<br>Mob.: +385(91)1212148<br>SIP: <a href="mailto:tomo@sip.lama.hr">tomo@sip.lama.hr</a><br>e-mail: tparcina#lama.hr
<br><a href="http://www.lama.hr">http://www.lama.hr</a><br>_______________________________________________<br>--Bandwidth and Colocation provided by <a href="http://Easynews.com">Easynews.com</a> --<br><br>asterisk-users mailing list
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