<div>i have this issue with failed registrations with my sip provider. it doesn't happen often, but it does happen. it also happens with 2 different vsp providers, so i dont think its them. this happens maybe 8 times a day, but then that doesn't sound too bad considering it registers itself every 2 minutes. im using trixbox 1.1 and have grandsream 101 SIP phones. thanks alot.</div> <div> </div> <div>Oct 4 06:12:02 NOTICE[2831] chan_sip.c: Failed to authenticate on REGISTER to <A href="mailto:'3359@'">'3359@'</A> (Tries 3)<BR>Oct 4 06:12:19 NOTICE[2831] chan_sip.c: -- Registration for <A href="mailto:'XXXX@'">'XXXX@'</A> timed out, trying again (Attempt #4)<BR></div><p>
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