Hi,<br>I am trying to integrate asterisk queues with SER.<br>We have our queues set up in the following manner:<br>An entry in the queue members table consts of the queue name and a SIP address.<br><br>For example,<br>queuename | member
<br>-----------------------------------------<br>support-q | SIP/5558675309<br><br>We have observed the following behavior:<br>If the first phone is registered directly to asterisk, then the queue knows about the phone, and puts it in the queue rotation.
<br><br>I would like to get this same functionality using SER as the registration server.<br>Currently, if a phone is registered with the SER proxy, * knows nothing about it until the phone calls an extension on the asterisk server.
<br>After that, the phone shows up in "sip show peers", but with address "(unknown)".<br>In neither case is the queue aware of the phone.<br><br>Here is the setup:<br>Asterisk is set up in general to be real time, including sip peers and sip users.
<br>in sip.conf, <br>[general]<br>...<br> rtcachefriends=yes<br> register => <a href="mailto:2342342345@domain.com" target="_blank" onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)">2342342345@domain.com</a>:
<a href="http://password@sip.proxy.com/2342342345" target="_blank" onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)">password@sip.proxy.com/2342342345</a><br>[ser]<br>type=friend<br>
insecure=very<br>host=<a href="http://sip.proxy.com" target="_blank" onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)">sip.proxy.com</a><br>canreinvite=yes<br>autocreatepeer=yes<br>context=proxy<br><br>Asterisk is successfully registering with SER, and "sip show peers" shows the SER box as a peer, although I think that is irrelevant of if the SER service is running or not.
<br><br>What do I need to do to get Asterisk to be aware of the clients?<br><br>Mark Price<br>