Hi all,<br><br>I have EMG 202 dailup VoIP Gateway. Which is not registering to our Asterisk server and generating following debug.<br><br>Unable to find key '113685' in family 'SIP/Registry'<br><br>I stored 113685 user and password in MySQL, but first time when i connect to the dialup its registered and once i made first call after the call its unregister from asterisk with the above error.<br><br>But the same EMG has Broadband inteface once i use this the problem is never happened and always it registered to asterisk. So the problem is only for the dialup interface.<br><br>We order 1000 EMG but not a single working. really we are so upset please try to help us to solve this issue.<br><br>Regards,<br>Abdul<br><br><br><br><p> 
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