<div>This seems to be an easy-to-solve problem but it may be again my lask of knowledge in linux:</div> <div> </div> <div>My linux fedora core 3 asterisk box has a public IP and a private IP (two NIC)</div> <div> </div> <div>I got the ports open in fedora core 3 (5060 and 10000 thru 30000) for both interfaces.</div> <div> </div> <div>I was able con connect my sip soft phone from a NAT connection inside my network pointing to the public IP. </div> <div> </div> <div>When attempting to do the same from outside my network (from my dsl connection from home), I get to hear the asterisk auto attendant but not able to send any sound from my laptop.</div> <div> </div> <div>This is my sip.conf file:</div> <div> </div> <div>[general]<BR>context=ramosoft </div> <div>allowguest=no</div> <div>realm=ramosoft.com </div>
<div>bindaddr= <BR>bindport=5060 <BR>srvlookup=yes <BR>pedantic=yes <BR>tos=184 <BR>tos=lowdelay <BR>maxexpirey=3600 <BR>defaultexpirey=120 <BR>disallow=all <BR>allow=ulaw <BR>allow=ilbc <BR>allow=gsm <BR>musicclass=default <BR>language=es <BR>relaxdtmf=yes <BR>rtptimeout=60 <BR>rtpholdtimeout=300 <BR>useragent=RamoSoftPBX <BR>regcontext=ramosoft<BR>localnet= <BR>rtcachefriends=yes </div> <div> </div> <div>[authentication]</div> <div> </div> <div>[311]<BR>type=friend<BR>regexten=311<BR>username=311<BR>secret=311<BR>callerid="Elpidio Ramos" <311><BR>host=dynamic<BR>nat=yes<BR>canreinvite=no<BR></div> <div>Is there anything I am
missing here to get two way voice?</div> <div> </div> <div>Thank you in advance all</div>