<br>all,<br><br>i'm having a problem where a callee is unable to hear the caller,<br>but the caller can hear the callee perfectly well.<br><br>the call is processed as follows:<br><br>1. caller dials into zap-1 via a pri line ( using chan_zap )
<br><br>2. zap-1 connects to iax-1 over an iax channel <br> > Dial(IAX2/guest@iax-1)<br><br>3. iax-1 plays the user a prompt using Playback()<br> > Playback(beep)<br><br>4. iax-1 dials zap-2 over an iax channel
<br> > Dial(IAX2/outgoing-caller@zap-2/home)<br><br>5. zap-2 dials an outside number using chan_zap <br> > Dial(ZAP/g1/2125551212)<br> <br><br>here's the wierd part: if i remove the Playback() from the iax-1 dialplan,
<br>both the caller and the callee can hear one another fine.<br><br>but for some reason, though, after Playback() is called in the dialplan,<br>the connection breaks down.<br><br>i've run ethereal on all the servers and packets _are_ going
<br>back and forth as expected.<br><br>( i should mention it's not just Playback(), i replaced Playback()<br>with Wait() and had the same problem. )<br><br>i also changed the diaplan on zap-2 to record the call instead dialing out.
<br> > Record(/tmp/incoming_call.wav)<br> <br>the behavior with Record() was consistent with the Dial() problem:<br>when Playback() was called on iax-1, the recorded file was empty <br>( except for the RIFF header ), and when i removed Playback(),
<br>the file recorded properly.<br><br>i'm guessing the problem is somewhere in chan_iax2.<br>maybe a state flag? or something? i'm kinda lost now...<br><br>any tips or pointers would be greatly appreciated!<br><br>jeff oconnell
<br><a href="mailto:jeff.oconnell@gmail.com">jeff.oconnell@gmail.com</a><br><br>