Hi friends,<br> <br> We have installed Asterisk in our organization. We registered with Teliax and got our DID number. We are making calls to USA successfully through Asterisk. We are making outgoing calls to US. But, we are unable to receive incoming calls to our DID number. When I executed the "sip show peers" command, it is showing that my Asterisk server is registered and displaying Teliax IP address also. I checking by doing ping to voip-co1.teliax.com. Pinging is also going fine.<br> <br> Here I am giving the configuration files. Please tell me a solution.<br> <br> SIP.CONF contents:<br> <br> [general]<br> register => xyz.abc:xxxxxxx@voip-co1.teliax.com <br> [authentication]<br> auth = xyz.abc:xxxxxxx@voip-co1.teliax.com<br> [teliax]<br> context=default<br> type=friend<br> username=xyz.abc<br> user=xyz.abc<br> host=voip-co1.teliax.com<br> secret=xxxxxxx<br>
insecure=very<br> canreinvite=no<br> disallow=all<br> allow=ulaw<br> allow=alaw<br> allow=gsm<br> <br> [105]<br> type=friend<br> username=105<br> secret=rani<br> callerid="Ranikumar"<br> host=dynamic<br> context=leader<br> canreinvite=no<br> nat=yes<br> dtmfmode=rfc2833<br> allow=all<br> <br> EXTENSIONS.CONF contents:<br> <br> [leader]<br> exten => 105,1,Dial(SIP/105,15)<br> exten => 105,2,Voicemail(u105)<br> exten => 105,3,Voicemail(b105)<br> exten => 105,4,Hangup<br> exten => _1XXXXXXXXXX,1,DIAL(SIP/teliax/${EXTEN},30,tr)<br> <br> [general]<br> exten => 3031234567, 1, Answer()<br> exten => 3031234567, 2, Dial(SIP/105,15)<br> <br> Please tell me the solution. Looking forward to your response.<br> <br> Thank you.<br> <br> Regards,<br> Chandra.<br> <p> 
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