Greetings, <br><br>I've created a perl CGI that will generate an asterisk call file in /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/<br><br>I'm stuck however getting the application 'Flite' working in the call file. By way of example, the CGI generates
<br>the following:<br><br>---------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>channel: Local/xxxxxxxxxx@from-internal<br>maxretries: 3<br>retrytime: 60<br>waittime: 60<br>callerid: "WakeUp" <*62>
<br>application: Flite("Wake me up")<br>data:<br>---------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br><br>Where xxxxxxxxxx is a phone number to dial and "Wake me up" is text entered by the form.
<br><br>Asterisk correctly dial's the number but Flite isn't executed properly. If I change the application line to<br><br>application: MusicOnHold<br><br>It executes that just fine. I have Flite working in my dialplan, like so:
<br><br>exten => *65,1,Answer<br>exten => *65,2,Flite("Your phone number is ${CALLERIDNUM}, now go do some work.")<br>exten => *65,3,Hangup<br><br>That works just fine; lastely asterisk has Flite properly registered as an application:
<br><br>pbx*CLI> show application flite<br>pbx*CLI><br> -= Info about application 'Flite' =-<br><br>[Synopsis]<br>Say text to the user, using Flite<br><br>[Description]<br> Flite(text[|intkeys]): This will invoke the Flite TTS engine,
<br>send a text string, get back the resulting waveform and play it to<br>the user, allowing any given interrupt keys to immediately terminate<br>and return.<br><br>So, I'm stuck and not too sure how to get this to go. Any suggestions, thanks!
<br><br> --joey<br><br><br><br><br>