Hi users I have been trying to install CDRTool but due to lack of documents i cannot do it properly so any body please respond me :-(<br><br> here what i did is installed CDRTool in /var/www/ and create database cdrtool
<br> <br>and there are two more files in that setup directory 1) create_tables.mysql 2) create_data.mysql<br>but when i gave command #mysqladmin -uroot -pxxxxx -hlocalhost >./setup_mysql.sh create cdrtool<br>it is creating cdrtool database in mysql server but with no tables and nothing just creating databse
<br>and then i tried to run the commands like #mysqladmin -uroot -pxxxxx -hlocalhost >./create_tables.mysql <br>but no use <br>can any body please help me<br><br>I know this is not a right place but for me there no other option (CDRTool mail archive has no messages inside)