Hello -<br><br>I currently have 10 DID's coming into one Asterisk server, I seem to be having some difficulty routing based on the DID dialed and am hoping someone on the list can assist me.<br><br>Here's the relevant info:
<br><br>Ingress SIP trunk:<br>IP:<br>DID's XXX-XXX-XX00-XX10<br><br>sip.conf:<br><br>[general]<br>useragent=Asterisk<br>port=5060<br>context=default<br>tos=lowdelay<br>disallow=all<br>allow=ulaw<br>allow=alaw
<br>allow=gsm<br>rtptimeout=300<br>rtpholdtimeout=600<br><br>// // My thought in this context is I will grab any incoming SIP call from the IP address of my SIP trunk and pass it to my sip-defaul-in context // // in extensions.conf
<br><br>[sip-default-in]<br>type=friend<br>defaultip=123.45.3456<br>host=123.45.3456<br>nat=no<br>insecure=very<br>context=sip-default-in<br>canreinvite=no<br>dtmfmode=rfc2833<br><br>// // My thought here is I will grab any incoming SIP call form the IP address of my SIP trunk that matches XXX-XXX-XX00 and pass it to my XXX-XXX-XX00 context in
extensions.conf<br><br>[XXXXXXXX00]<br>type=friend<br>defaultip=<a href=""></a><br>host=<a href=""></a><br>fromuser=XXXXXXXX00<br>nat=no<br>context=XXXXXXXX00<br>
insecure=very<br><br>And a look at extesions.conf:<br><br>// // My thought is here I will route my incoming calls to a DID i haven't specifically routed to my default context (GoTo(XXX))<br><br>[sip-default-in]<br>exten => s,1,Answer()
<br>exten => s,2,Playback(beep)<br>exten => s,2,Ringing<br>exten => s,3,Wait,1<br>exten => s,4,GoTo(XXX)<br><br>// // My thought here is I will handle my incoming calls to XXX-XXX-XX00 and pass it to a specific context, say a queue
<br><br>[XXXXXXXX00]<br>exten => _XXXXXXXX00,1,Answer()<br>exten => _XXXXXXXX00,2,Playback(beep)<br>exten => _XXXXXXXX00,3,GoTo(queue-test,s,1)<br><br>What am I doing wrong??<br><br>I can receive calls fine, but they aren't routing properly....I think I overlooked something.
<br><br>Thanks list!!<br><br>/Chris<br>