the gdb of the core taken from the asterisk as the time of crash is as below<br><br>I run asterisk-1.2.5 on fedora core 3 with chan_ss7<br>can someone help out?<br><br><br>#0 ast_var_name (var=0x1) at chanvars.c:71<br>71 if (var->name[0] == '_') {
<br>(gdb) bt<br>#0 ast_var_name (var=0x1) at chanvars.c:71<br>#1 0x0808934e in pbx_builtin_getvar_helper (chan=0x0, name=0xf5bc2d46 "OUTBOUND_GROUP") at pbx.c:5904<br>#2 0xf5bbe1e4 in dial_exec_full (chan=0xa281820, data=0x0, peerflags=0xf469fee8) at app_dial.c:964
<br>#3 0xf5bc23ed in dial_exec (chan=0x0, data=0x1) at app_dial.c:1601<br>#4 0x08090aed in pbx_extension_helper (c=0xa281820, con=0x0, context=0xa281970 "default", exten=0xa281a64 "2348053004990",<br>
priority=2, label=0x0, callerid=0xf46a40b0 "ss7/08053004990|60", action=0) at pbx.c:544<br>#5 0x08091db6 in __ast_pbx_run (c=0xa281820) at pbx.c:2218<br>#6 0x0809386c in pbx_thread (data=0x0) at pbx.c:2505
<br>#7 0x00c161d5 in start_thread () from /lib/tls/<br>#8 0x00a972da in clone () from /lib/tls/<br>(gdb) bt full<br>#0 ast_var_name (var=0x1) at chanvars.c:71<br> name = 0xffffffff <Address 0xffffffff out of bounds>
<br>#1 0x0808934e in pbx_builtin_getvar_helper (chan=0x0, name=0xf5bc2d46 "OUTBOUND_GROUP") at pbx.c:5904<br> variables = (struct ast_var_t *) 0x1<br> headp = (struct varshead *) 0xa281be8<br>#2 0xf5bbe1e4 in dial_exec_full (chan=0xa281820, data=0x0, peerflags=0xf469fee8) at app_dial.c:964
<br> tnam = 0x0<br> tn2 = 0x1 ""<br> callerid = '\0' <repeats 59 times><br> res = -1<br> u = (struct localuser *) 0xa56d418<br> number = 0x0<br> rest = 0x0<br>
cur = 0x0<br> privcid = '\0' <repeats 192 times>, "°@jôPZá\t\005", '\0' <repeats 15 times>, " \030(\n", '\0' <repeats 11 times>, "\200\003\000\000\000\000\000\000\000WZá\t\220îiô\000\000\000\000\200Þiô"
<br> privintro = '\0' <repeats 1023 times><br> outgoing = (struct localuser *) 0x0<br> tmp = (struct localuser *) 0x0<br> to = 0<br> numbusy = 0<br> numcongestion = 0<br> numnochan = 0
<br> cause = 0<br> numsubst = '\0' <repeats 79 times><br> restofit = '\0' <repeats 79 times><br> cidname = '\0' <repeats 79 times><br> toast = '\0' <repeats 79 times>
<br> l = 0x0<br> privdb_val = 0<br> calldurationlimit = 0<br> config = {features_caller = {flags = 0}, features_callee = {flags = 0}, start_time = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0},<br> feature_timer = 0, timelimit = 0, play_warning = 0, warning_freq = 0, warning_sound = 0x0, end_sound = 0x0,
<br> start_sound = 0x0, firstpass = 0, flags = 0}<br> timelimit = 0<br> play_warning = 0<br> warning_freq = 0<br> warning_sound = 0x0<br> end_sound = 0x0<br> start_sound = 0x0<br>
dtmfcalled = 0x0<br> dtmfcalling = 0x0<br> var = 0x0<br>---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---<br> status = '\0' <repeats 255 times><br> play_to_caller = 0
<br> play_to_callee = 0<br> sentringing = 0<br> moh = 0<br> outbound_group = 0x0<br> macro_result = 0x0<br> macro_transfer_dest = 0x0<br> digit = 0<br> result = 0<br>
start_time = 0<br> answer_time = 0<br> end_time = 0<br> app = (struct ast_app *) 0x4<br> parse = 0xf469eeb0 "ss7/08053004990"<br> args = {argc = 2, argv = 0xf469f724, peers = 0xf469eeb0 "ss7/08053004990", timeout = 0xf469eec0 "60",
<br> options = 0x0, url = 0x0}<br> opts = {flags = 0}<br> opt_args = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}<br> __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "dial_exec_full"<br>#3 0xf5bc23ed in dial_exec (chan=0x0, data=0x1) at app_dial.c:1601
<br> peerflags = {flags = 0}<br>#4 0x08090aed in pbx_extension_helper (c=0xa281820, con=0x0, context=0xa281970 "default", exten=0xa281a64 "2348053004990",<br> priority=2, label=0x0, callerid=0xf46a40b0 "ss7/08053004990|60", action=0) at
pbx.c:544<br> e = (struct ast_exten *) 0x9e15c28<br> sw = (struct ast_switch *) 0x0<br> data = 0x0<br> foundcontext = 0xa281970 "default"<br> newstack = 1<br> res = 0<br>
status = 5<br> incstack = {0xa32e21 "\201ÃÓ!\f", 0xf6a2e099 "X\215eô[^_ÉÃU\211å\213U\fè", 0xf3879570 "\001", 0xf6be7574 "0\017|",<br> 0xf3c00010 "", 0xaf4ff4 "<M¯", 0xf3c00010 "", 0x15 "", 0xf46a60ec "ü`jô!.£", 0xa334ba "e\203=\f", 0xf3c00010 "",
<br> 0xf387d168 "", 0xa32e21 "\201ÃÓ!\f", 0xa32e21 "\201ÃÓ!\f", 0xf3c18ae0 "\b", 0xf46a60fc "\035", 0xa32e21 "\201ÃÓ!\f",<br> 0xa32e21 "\201ÃÓ!\f", 0xf6be7574 "0\017|", 0x1d "", 0xa32e21 "\201ÃÓ!\f", 0xf387d168 "", 0xa32e21 "\201ÃÓ!\f", 0x15 "",
<br> 0x1d "", 0xa32e21 "\201ÃÓ!\f", 0xa32e21 "\201ÃÓ!\f", 0x15 "", 0xf3c00010 "", 0x15 "", 0x7fe2a0 "@Ü\177",<br> 0xa32e21 "\201ÃÓ!\f", 0x1d "", 0xa32e21 "\201ÃÓ!\f", 0xa32e21 "\201ÃÓ!\f", 0xa32e21 "\201ÃÓ!\f", 0xaf4ff4 "<M¯",
<br> 0xf3c00010 "", 0xa32e21 "\201ÃÓ!\f", 0xa32e21 "\201ÃÓ!\f", 0x15 "", 0x25 "", 0x15 "", 0xaf4ff4 "<M¯", 0xf3c00010 "",<br> 0xa32e21 "\201ÃÓ!\f", 0xa32e21 "\201ÃÓ!\f", 0xa32e21 "\201ÃÓ!\f", 0xf46a618c "\020", 0xa32e21 "\201ÃÓ!\f",
<br> 0xa32e21 "\201ÃÓ!\f", 0xf3c037b0 "P", 0x1d "", 0x15 "", 0x15 "", 0xf3c00010 "", 0x1d "", 0x1d "", 0xa32e21 "\201ÃÓ!\f",<br> 0xf46a61b8 "Èajô\020", 0xa334ba "e\203=\f", 0xf3c00010 "", 0xf2c9f5b8 "¨ãÂö\001", 0x7fe2a0 "@Ü\177",
<br> 0xa32e21 "\201ÃÓ!\f", 0x15 "", 0xf46a61c8 "\020", 0xf3c00010 "", 0xf3c00010 "", 0xa32a31 "\201ÃÃ%\f", 0xf3c00010 "",<br> 0x10 "", 0x20 "", 0xaf6848 "", 0x0, 0xaf6834 "", 0xaf6838 "", 0xaf6800 "", 0xaf4ff4 "<M¯", 0x0,
<br>---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---<br> 0xfffffff0 <Address 0xfffffff0 out of bounds>, 0xf46a628c "", 0xa3375d "\215v", 0xf3cfd618 "\002", 0xf46a621c "º4£",
<br> 0xa334ba "e\203=\f", 0xf3c00010 "", 0xaf4ff4 "<M¯", 0xf3c00010 "", 0xa4818b0 "H\001", 0xa33524 "\201ÃÐ\032\f",<br> 0xa334ba "e\203=\f", 0xaf6848 "", 0xaf6800 "", 0xf46a6bb0 "°kjô\214r\016\n°kjô\001", 0x80a5417 "\205í\017\204ÿ\002",
<br> 0xf46a6261 "", 0x0, 0x4f "", 0xf46a6258 "hbjô", 0xa334ba "e\203=\f", 0xf3c00010 "", 0xf3cceae8 "\022", 0x7fe2a0 "@Ü\177",<br> 0xf46a62e0 "\2104ó\t\001", 0xf46a62e0 "\2104ó\t\001", 0xf46a6268 "", 0x0 <repeats 15 times>,
<br> 0xa4c616 "\211Ó=\001ðÿÿs\001ÃèI6\b", 0x80a4b0a "\213L$\030\213t$\034\211\213\200\002", 0xf46a62b8 "\216YWD\002", 0x0,<br> 0x0, 0x0}<br> passdata = "ss7/08053004990|60", '\0' <repeats 8173 times>
<br> stacklen = 0<br> tmp = "Dial", '\0' <repeats 75 times><br> tmp2 = "OH323/XX6.1XX.92.141-60a28cab", '\0' <repeats 50 times><br> tmp3 = "ss7/08053004990|60\000214699", '\0' <repeats 611 times>, "Ä\a£\000Ô3¢\000P1jôQ° \000\000\000\000\000ôO¯\000\000\000\000\000:c¥öÔ(jô\027Ë \000ø(jô:c¥ö\f", '\0' <repeats 47 times>, "P1jô", '\0' <repeats 28 times>, "\025ß \000À(jô\220$jô", '\0' <repeats 160 times>, "$5£", '\0' <repeats 11 times>, "x0\000\000\000\000\001\000\000\000\b", '\0' <repeats 39 times>, "\020\000\000\000\210\214¢`", '\0' <repeats 16 times>, "k\000\000\000\002\000\000\000 *jôÀ(jô3c"...
<br> atmp = '\0' <repeats 79 times><br> atmp2 = '\0' <repeats 2380 times>, "May 2 14:06:48", '\0' <repeats 161 times>, "May 2 14:06:48", '\0' <repeats 65 times>, "0\000\000\000\006\000\000\000\016\000\000\000\002\000\000\000\004\000\000\000j\000\000\000\002\000\000\000y\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\020\016\000\000È¥Þ\t\000\000\000\000 -- Inbound
H.323 call 'ip$' detected.\n\000323/XX6.1XX.92"...<br> __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "pbx_extension_helper"<br>#5 0x08091db6 in __ast_pbx_run (c=0xa281820) at pbx.c:2218<br>
digit = 0<br> exten = '\0' <repeats 255 times><br> pos = 0<br> waittime = 2<br> res = 0<br> __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "__ast_pbx_run"<br>#6 0x0809386c in pbx_thread (data=0x0) at
pbx.c:2505<br>No locals.<br>#7 0x00c161d5 in start_thread () from /lib/tls/<br>No symbol table info available.<br>#8 0x00a972da in clone () from /lib/tls/<br>No symbol table info available.<br>(gdb)
<br>(gdb)<br>(gdb) quit<br><br><br><br>goksie<br><br>