Max,<br> Did you ever resolve this issue? I'm having similar problems.<br><br><b><i>Max Glucksmann <></i></b> wrote:<blockquote class="replbq" style="border-left: 2px solid rgb(16, 16, 255); margin-left: 5px; padding-left: 5px;"> Dear friends,<br><br>As I commented some while ago in the list, occasionally when DTMF Tones are<br>sent, they appear in RTP Payload and in Events too, producing duplicate<br>tones being recognized. This behavior happens in Asterisk as well as in<br>Gateways such as Cisco, for which we had the opportunity to observe the<br>error and extensively debug it.<br> <br>We ended up recognizing good digits by adjusting audio gain in the Cisco<br>IOS, but now some calls' volume is just too low to hear comfortably.<br><br>If you could let me know how to adjust reception gain in * it would help us<br>treat the problem from a different angle.<br><br>Resuming, we need to find support to modify rtp.c or dsp.c in order
to<br>silence audio when tones are sent (received in *) from the user to * through<br>providers using CODECS G.723 and G.721 and DTMF recognition method RFC2833.<br><br>Regards,<br>Max Glucksmann<br>e-mail:<br>Web:<br>BEGIN:VCARD<br>VERSION:2.1<br>N:Glucksmann;Max<br>FN:Max Glucksmann (Fax del trabajo)<br>ORG:ComTel Networks, Corp.<br>TITLE:Director<br>TEL;WORK;VOICE:+1 (877) 467-2877<br>TEL;HOME;VOICE:+58 (500) MAXITEL (629-4835)<br>TEL;CELL;VOICE:+58 (414) 250-0909<br>TEL;WORK;FAX:+1 (954) 671-6800<br>TEL;HOME;FAX:+58 (212) 285-3320<br>ADR;WORK:;;Aerocav 1614, PO Box 25304;Miami;FL.;33102-5304;Estados Unidos de América<br>LABEL;WORK;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:Aerocav 1614, PO Box 25304=0D=0AMiami, FL. 33102-5304=0D=0AEstados Unidos de=<br> Am=E9rica<br>EMAIL;PREF;FAX:Max Glucksmann ( (954)
671-6800<br>REV:20051212T222729Z<br>END:VCARD<br>_______________________________________________<br>--Bandwidth and Colocation provided by --<br><br>Asterisk-Users mailing list<br>To UNSUBSCRIBE or update options visit:<br><br></blockquote><br><p>
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