<div>We have two Linksys 942 phones which sound great when they call each other directly through Asterisk. But when they both dial in to a meetme conference room, the sound is very jittery. Other phones like Polycom 501 and Snom 360 sound fine when using meetme.
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<div>Both Linksys phones are set to use the default g711u (ulaw) codecs. Adjusting the jitter buffer and jitter level settings to various values did not help. </div>
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<div>We are running Asterisk 1.2.1 on Centos 4.2 (Linux 2.6x kernel) on a dual-processor Dell Poweredge 2850 server with 1 Gb RAM. This machine has a TE-210 Dual-T1 card plugged in. The meetme.conf file has no general settings, just a list of two conference rooms.
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<div>Has anyone else experienced sound quality issues with meetme conferences using Linksys phones? Any idea what could fix this? Thanks.</div>
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