What I am looking to do is the follow:<br>
provider -----------route/iptables-----------------------sip hardware from provider<br>
asterisk box.<br>
What I would like to be able to do is have the provider sip hardware do the register with the<br>
provider. Next have the route box register with asterisk. When I get a incoming I would like<br>
the SIP and rtp traffic routed to asterisk box under register has. When I make an out going call<br>
have the asterisk box talk to route/iptables box and have use the provider.<br>
This is what I would call a proxy box with pass the register/login. I want to known if such a thing<br>
exists. I can write the iptables rules to bring all the traffic into user level so I can write program<br>
to deal with,<br>
The problem I am trying to solve is the the provider is using sip to talk to the ATA they use but<br>
will not give me the password. The box in the middle can do the routing to all traffic to pass<br>
thought use program. With the correct software the provider should be think here is talking<br>
to the ata. But what is really happening is the ATA is being used to register and all traffic is<br>
being sent to the Asterisk box.<br>
This is wanted because using to ATA back to back creates a number of problems with echo. Also<br>
a delay for CID and problems with DTMF decoding. Keep everything digital is the way to go.<br>
Wanted to see such a thing exists before starting work on it. (the middle box will be wrt54g that<br>
has openwrt running on it. )<br>