I have a problem or require in my Asterisk, I need limit the out calls
from my outgoing context. I have configure a outgoing peer in
sip.conf [outgoing-xxx], but I need that in this peer out calls 4
I configure my outgoing peer with registry parameters for out calls with
my SIP provider and I prove changing the configuration next:<br>
outgoinglimit=4 and incominglimit=4, but this not found. This parameters
limit the extensions only, but not all SIP calls that out for my SIP
provider context.<br><br>
Please help me with this issue.<br><br>
<font face="Century Gothic, Avant Garde" size=4><b><i>Rafael Canchola
</i></font>Soporte Tecnico FonetGlobal Inc.<br>
</b><font color="#FF0000">rcm@fonetglobal.com<br>
01 800 022 10 21 ext. 120</font> </body>