2005-11-11 11:05:53 DEBUG[1428] chan_sip.c: Setting User Agent Name to Asterisk PBX 2005-11-11 11:05:53 DEBUG[1428] chan_zap.c: Updated conferencing on 1, with 0 conference users 2005-11-11 11:05:53 DEBUG[1428] chan_zap.c: Updated conferencing on 2, with 0 conference users 2005-11-11 11:05:53 DEBUG[1428] pbx_dundi.c: Seeding global EID '00:a0:24:4b:b4:c2' from 'eth0' 2005-11-11 11:05:53 DEBUG[1428] app_voicemail.c: VM Review Option disabled globally 2005-11-11 11:05:53 DEBUG[1428] app_voicemail.c: VM Operator break disabled globally 2005-11-11 11:05:53 DEBUG[1428] app_voicemail.c: VM CID Info before msg disabled globally 2005-11-11 11:05:53 DEBUG[1428] app_voicemail.c: ENVELOPE before msg enabled globally 2005-11-11 11:05:53 DEBUG[1428] app_voicemail.c: Duration info before msg enabled globally 2005-11-11 11:05:53 DEBUG[1428] app_voicemail.c: We are not going to skip to the next msg after save/delete 2005-11-11 11:06:09 DEBUG[1438] chan_sip.c: Auto destroying call '04e2bc092f41e5101aafce4569ab5093@' 2005-11-11 11:06:09 DEBUG[1438] chan_sip.c: Auto destroying call '0af9e0152a43cf680e850eef4f8f89e4@' 2005-11-11 11:06:09 DEBUG[1438] chan_sip.c: Auto destroying call '084a1750171ab78b39552e2e6cffa846@' 2005-11-11 11:06:09 DEBUG[1438] chan_sip.c: Auto destroying call '704beb330757dbc05c807aba6109be1e@' 2005-11-11 11:06:33 DEBUG[1438] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on 'bbc29ac4-67078e3a-c7aaac9d@' of Request 102: Match Found 2005-11-11 11:06:33 DEBUG[1438] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '694126c2-964a6184-905ec135@' of Request 102: Match Found 2005-11-11 11:06:34 DEBUG[1438] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '5f4dffb5-99398b83-3ca0beb2@' of Request 102: Match Found 2005-11-11 11:06:34 DEBUG[1438] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '6456abfd-676b8ee7-f8e598ec@' of Request 102: Match Found 2005-11-11 11:06:35 DEBUG[1438] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '0669ae887e3adbc06c9fd5bf77ad05d8@' of Request 102: Match Found 2005-11-11 11:06:35 DEBUG[1438] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '2742576c3af9cd512b31bdf07c736cae@' of Request 102: Match Found 2005-11-11 11:06:35 DEBUG[1438] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '6286c1b5425b95d34862ad84300c2742@' of Request 102: Match Found 2005-11-11 11:06:35 DEBUG[1438] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '394b71e24f8090b22f3a3fa64223cf53@' of Request 102: Match Found 2005-11-11 11:06:39 DEBUG[1438] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '32d641e80b3506c2414058a846ea47f7@' of Request 102: Match Found 2005-11-11 11:06:39 DEBUG[1438] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '2f9993c85acb51b9573ebe672d1a3799@' of Request 102: Match Found 2005-11-11 11:06:39 DEBUG[1438] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '0062ca2837d2f989299bd4c72efa8a59@' of Request 102: Match Found 2005-11-11 11:06:39 DEBUG[1438] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '4082236402ddb9384b4066bc7b4c8dff@' of Request 102: Match Found 2005-11-11 11:06:45 DEBUG[1438] chan_sip.c: Auto destroying call '7f67be6e-425a4b54-d973f4af@' 2005-11-11 11:06:46 DEBUG[1438] chan_sip.c: Auto destroying call '6f8b12a0-3e3d8272-8cc1672b@' 2005-11-11 11:06:46 DEBUG[1438] chan_sip.c: Auto destroying call 'e6da9f87-41ba0e85-7b615a8c@' 2005-11-11 11:06:47 DEBUG[1438] chan_sip.c: Auto destroying call 'dde4433-3544896d-8a6dc11a@' 2005-11-11 11:06:52 DEBUG[1506] res_musiconhold.c: killing 1436! 2005-11-11 11:06:52 DEBUG[1506] res_musiconhold.c: mpg123 pid 1436 and child died after 4029952 bytes read