Does anyone know if it is possible to configure Asterisk in such a way
that it will ignore RFC2833 DTMF signals received from a SIP peer? <br>
I am using Broadvoice for some DIDs at the moment and their system has
a tendency to mis-interpret DTMF digits, especially ones dialed from
mobile or office (digital) phones. Basically, it will catch every digit
dialed and send it to my Asterisk system, but unfortunately it
frequently seems to repeat digits. That is, if I call into my system
and want to enter a password of "123456789", Broadvoice will send
something to my Asterisk machine such as "11234556789" or
"12345567889". <br>
I have set dtmfmode=inband in both [general] and [<a href=""></a>]
in sip.conf, but from viewing the results of 'rtp debug', it appears
that Broadvoice is still sending me the digits via RFC2833. I was
thinking that if I could get Asterisk to ignore this and just detect
the DTMF tones inband, that it might do a better job than Broadvoice's
system. <br>
If anyone knows how to do this, or has any other suggestions, I will be
very glad to hear them. This problem has been driving me nuts. I am
very satisfied with Broadvoice's voice quality, and I have a good
network connection between my location and their SIP gateway, but
more-or-less correct DTMF detection is fairly important for me and it
basically does not work; but I really don't want to have to switch to
using POTS lines for all inbound calls.<br>