<DIV>Hi All</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>I have problem with LIBMFCR2 for once Exchange</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>I using Sangoma card, the firstly. my ssystem run successful with MFCR2, connected to E10 (Acatel Exchange), after that, i move connection connect to EWSD (Siemens), my system don't work. error protocol R2.</DIV>
<DIV>my system:</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV> Asterisk CVS 1.1.X</DIV>
<DIV> LibMFCR2 pre.005 and unicall-pre.005</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>this's my setting</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>and my setting wanpipe1.conf</DIV>
<DIV>#================================================<BR># WANPIPE1 Configuration File<BR>#================================================<BR>#<BR># Date: Mon Sep 5 15:37:16 GMT+7 2005<BR>#<BR># Note: This file was generated automatically<BR># by /usr/sbin/wancfg program.<BR>#<BR># If you want to edit this file, it is<BR># recommended that you use wancfg program<BR># to do so.<BR>#================================================<BR># Sangoma Technologies Inc.<BR>#================================================</DIV>
<DIV>[devices]<BR>wanpipe1 = WAN_AFT, Comment</DIV>
<DIV>[interfaces]<BR>w1g1 = wanpipe1, , TDM_VOICE, Comment</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>and my setting /etc/zaptel.conf</DIV>
<DIV>#<BR># Zaptel Configuration File<BR>#<BR># This file is parsed by the Zaptel Configurator, ztcfg<BR>#<BR>#<BR># First come the span definitions, in the format<BR># span=<span num>,<timing>,<line build out (LBO)>,<framing>,<coding>[,yellow]<BR># <BR># The timing parameter determines the selection of primary, secondary, and<BR># so on sync sources. If this span should be considered a primary sync<BR># source, then give it a value of "1". For a secondary, use "2", and so on.<BR># To not use this as a sync source, just use "0"<BR>#<BR># The line build-out (or LBO) is an integer, from the following table:<BR># 0: 0 db (CSU) / 0-133 feet (DSX-1)<BR># 1: 133-266 feet (DSX-1)<BR># 2: 266-399 feet (DSX-1)<BR># 3: 399-533 feet (DSX-1)<BR># 4: 533-655 feet (DSX-1)<BR># 5: -7.5db (CSU)<BR># 6: -15db (CSU)<BR># 7: -22.5db (CSU)<BR>#<BR># The framing is one of "d4" or "esf" for T1 or "cas" or "ccs" for E1<BR>#<BR># Note: "d4" could be referred to as
"sf" or "superframe" <BR>#<BR># The coding is one of "ami" or "b8zs" for T1 or "ami" or "hdb3" for E1<BR>#<BR># E1's may have the additional keyword "crc4" to enable CRC4 checking<BR>#<BR># If the keyword "yellow" follows, yellow alarm is transmitted when no<BR># channels are open.<BR>#<BR>#span=1,0,0,esf,b8zs<BR>#span=2,1,0,esf,b8zs<BR>#span=3,0,0,ccs,hdb3,crc4</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV># Next come the dynamic span definitions, in the form:<BR># dynamic=<driver>,<address>,<numchans>,<timing><BR>#</DIV>
<DIV># Where <driver> is the name of the driver (e.g. eth), <address> is the<BR># driver specific address (like a MAC for eth), <numchans> is the number<BR># of channels, and <timing> is a timing priority, like for a normal span.<BR># use "0" to not use this as a timing source, or prioritize them as<BR># primary, secondard, etc. Note that you MUST have a REAL zaptel device<BR># if you are not using external timing.<BR>#<BR># dynamic=eth,eth0/00:02:b3:35:43:9c,24,0<BR>#<BR># Next come the definitions for using the channels. The format is:<BR># <device>=<channel list><BR>#<BR># Valid devices are:<BR>#<BR># "e&m" : Channel(s) are signalled using E&M signalling (specific<BR># implementation, such as Immediate, Wink, or Feature Group D<BR># are handled by the userspace
library).<BR># "fxsls" : Channel(s) are signalled using FXS Loopstart protocol.<BR># "fxsgs" : Channel(s) are signalled using FXS Groundstart protocol.<BR># "fxsks" : Channel(s) are signalled using FXS Koolstart protocol.<BR># "fxols" : Channel(s) are signalled using FXO Loopstart protocol.<BR># "fxogs" : Channel(s) are signalled using FXO Groundstart protocol.<BR># "fxoks" : Channel(s) are signalled using FXO Koolstart protocol.<BR># "sf" : Channel(s) are signalled using in-band single freq tone.<BR># Syntax as follows: <BR># channel# => sf:<rxfreq>,<rxbw>,<rxflag>,<txfreq>,<txlevel>,<txflag><BR># rxfreq is rx tone freq in hz, rxbw is rx notch (and decode)<BR># bandwith in hz (typically 10.0), rxflag is either 'normal' or<BR># 'inverted', txfreq is tx tone freq in hz, txlevel is tx tone
<BR># level in dbm, txflag is either 'normal' or 'inverted'. Set <BR># rxfreq or txfreq to 0.0 if that tone is not desired.<BR># "unused" : No signalling is performed, each channel in the list remains idle<BR># "clear" : Channel(s) are bundled into a single span. No conversion or<BR># signalling is performed, and raw data is available on the master.<BR># "indclear": Like "clear" except all channels are treated individually and<BR># are not bundled. "bchan" is an alias for this.<BR># "rawhdlc" : The zaptel driver performs HDLC encoding and decoding on the <BR># bundle, and the resulting data is communicated via the master<BR># device.<BR># "fcshdlc"
: The zapdel driver performs HDLC encoding and decoding on the<BR># bundle and also performs incoming and outgoing FCS insertion<BR># and verification. "dchan" is an alias for this.<BR># "nethdlc" : The zaptel driver bundles the channels together into an<BR># hdlc network device, which in turn can be configured with<BR># sethdlc (available separately).<BR># "dacs" : The zaptel driver cross connects the channels starting at<BR># the channel number listed at the end, after a colon<BR># "dacsrbs" : The zaptel driver cross connects the channels starting
at<BR># the channel number listed at the end, after a colon and <BR># also performs the DACSing of RBS bits<BR>#<BR># The channel list is a comma-separated list of channels or ranges, for<BR># example:<BR>#<BR># 1,3,5 (channels one, three, and five)<BR># 16-23, 29 (channels 16 through 23, as well as channel 29<BR>#<BR># So, some complete examples are:<BR># e&m=1-12<BR># nethdlc=13-24<BR># fxsls=25,26,27,28<BR># fxols=29-32<BR>#<BR>#fxoks=1-24<BR>#bchan=25-47<BR>#dchan=48<BR>#fxols=1-12<BR>#fxols=13-24<BR>#e&m=25-29<BR>#nethdlc=30-33<BR>#clear=44<BR>#clear=45<BR>#clear=46<BR>#clear=47<BR>#fcshdlc=48<BR>#dacs=1-24:48<BR>#dacsrbs=1-24:48</DIV>
<DIV>#<BR># Finally, you can preload some tone zones, to prevent them from getting<BR># overwritten by other users (if you allow non-root users to open /dev/zap/*<BR># interfaces anyway. Also this means they won't have to be loaded at runtime.<BR># The format is "loadzone=<zone>" where the zone is a two letter country code.<BR># <BR># You may also specify a default zone with "defaultzone=<zone>" where zone<BR># is a two letter country code.<BR>#<BR># An up-to-date list of the zones can be found in the file zaptel/zonedata.c<BR>#<BR>loadzone = nl<BR>#loadzone = cn<BR>loadzone = us-old<BR>loadzone=fr<BR>loadzone=it<BR>loadzone=fr<BR>#loadzone=de<BR>loadzone=uk<BR>loadzone=fi<BR>loadzone=jp<BR>#loadzone=sp<BR>loadzone=no<BR>#defaultzone=nl<BR>defaultzone=fi</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>I setting succesfull at E10 (ACATEL EXCHANGE). when i move to EWSD (SIEMENS EXCHANGE). i get faill. seems to your card cannot change abcd bits when EWSD change stage.</DIV>
<DIV>please see log file (EWSD)</DIV>
<DIV>Customer call --> telco --> EWSD --> SANGOMA CARD -- ZAPTEL</DIV>
<DIV> EWSD (1001) -> IDLE </DIV>
<DIV> EWSD (1001) <-- IDLE</DIV>
<DIV> EWSD (1101) <-- SANGOMA CARD (OK, IT's IDLE, channel available)</DIV>
<DIV>after that SANGOMA CARD move to wait GROUP I Stage but EWSD time out, send </DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>with E10 Exchange, the flow is difference</DIV>
<DIV>Customer call --> telco --> EWSD --> SANGOMA CARD -- ZAPTEL</DIV>
<DIV>E10(1001) -> IDLE </DIV>
<DIV>E10(1001) <-- IDLE</DIV>
<DIV>E10(1101) <-- SANGOMA CARD (OK, IT's IDLE, channel available)</DIV>
<DIV>E10 is OK, switch to Group I stage, the the call is offer</DIV></DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>my logging at EWSD (fail)</DIV>
<DIV>Sep 5 12:52:56 WARNING[3942] chan_unicall.c: MFC/R2 UniCall/17 <- 0001 [1/40000000/Idle /Idle ]<BR>Sep 5 12:52:56 WARNING[3942] chan_unicall.c: MFC/R2 UniCall/17 Detected<BR>Sep 5 12:52:56 WARNING[3942] chan_unicall.c: MFC/R2 UniCall/17 Making a new call with CRN 32769<BR>Sep 5 12:52:56 WARNING[3942] chan_unicall.c: MFC/R2 UniCall/17 Debug here (03)<BR>Sep 5 12:52:56 WARNING[3942] chan_unicall.c: MFC/R2 UniCall/17 1101 -> [2/ 2/Idle /Idle ]<BR>Sep 5 12:52:56 WARNING[3942] chan_unicall.c: MFC/R2 UniCall/17 Debug here (04)<BR>Sep 5 12:52:56 WARNING[3942] chan_unicall.c: Unicall/17 event Detected<BR>Sep 5 12:53:13
WARNING[3942] chan_unicall.c: MFC/R2 UniCall/17 <- 1001 [2/ 2/Seize ack /Seize ack ]<BR>Sep 5 12:53:13 WARNING[3942] chan_unicall.c: MFC/R2 UniCall/17 Debug here (01) 0x2,101,8 <BR>Sep 5 12:53:13 WARNING[3942] chan_unicall.c: MFC/R2 UniCall/17 Far end disconnected(cause=Normal, unspecified cause [31]) - state 0x2<BR>Sep 5 12:53:13 WARNING[3942] chan_unicall.c: Unicall/17 event Far end disconnected<BR>Sep 5 12:53:13 WARNING[3942] chan_unicall.c: CRN 32769 - far disconnected cause=Normal, unspecified cause [31]<BR>Sep 5 12:53:13 WARNING[3942] chan_unicall.c: MFC/R2 UniCall/17 Call control(6)<BR>Sep 5 12:53:13 WARNING[3942] chan_unicall.c: MFC/R2 UniCall/17 Drop call(cause=Normal Clearing [16])<BR>Sep 5 12:53:13 WARNING[3942] chan_unicall.c: MFC/R2 UniCall/17 Call disconnected(cause=Normal, unspecified cause [31]) - state
0x800<BR>Sep 5 12:53:13 WARNING[3942] chan_unicall.c: Unicall/17 event Drop call<BR>Sep 5 12:53:13 WARNING[3942] chan_unicall.c: MFC/R2 UniCall/17 Call control(7)<BR>Sep 5 12:53:13 WARNING[3942] chan_unicall.c: MFC/R2 UniCall/17 Release call<BR>Sep 5 12:53:13 WARNING[3942] chan_unicall.c: MFC/R2 UniCall/17 1001 -> [1/ 1000/Clear fwd /Seize ack ]<BR>Sep 5 12:53:13 WARNING[3942] chan_unicall.c: MFC/R2 UniCall/17 Release guard expired<BR>Sep 5 12:53:13 WARNING[3942] chan_unicall.c: MFC/R2 UniCall/17 Destroying call with CRN 32769<BR>Sep 5 12:53:13 WARNING[3942] chan_unicall.c: Unicall/17 event Release call<BR>Sep 5 12:53:13 WARNING[3942] chan_unicall.c: MFC/R2 UniCall/17 Channel echo cancel </DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>how to correct above problem ???</DIV>
<DIV>Any suggestion ?</DIV>